This is the README file for the flash drives passed out with the paper/slideshow(s) for: abstract (1079-03-89) presented at the 2012 Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting (#1079) of the American Mathematical Society at the University of South Florida in Tampa, FL, USA, on Saturday, March 10, by Michael Hugh Knowles. The following are either slideshows or the paper itself. Banach-Tarski's_Evil_Twin!(A4).pdf This is the PDF file of the PAPER; you might need A4 paper to print it nicely. Banach_Tarski's_Evil_Twin!_(short_pps).ppsx This is the SHORT PowerPoint SLIDE SHOW. Dives right in, but has almost all the non-intro material. Banach_Tarski's_Evil_Twin!_(long_pps).ppsx This is the LONG PowerPoint SLIDE SHOW.It has more introductory material. SLIDE SHOWS in PDF + EXTRA NOTES AND COMMENTARY (for both the LONG and SHORT version): They can be opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Displaying the comments will give the reader access to the “speakers notes” that are actually intended for the reader. Banach_Tarski's_Evil_Twin!_(long_pps).PDF This is the PDF file of the LONG PowerPoint SLIDE SHOW. It has more introductory material. Banach_Tarski's_Evil_Twin!_(short_pps).PDF This is the PDF file of the SHORT PowerPoint SLIDE SHOW. Dives right in, but has almost all the non-intro material. NOTE: the PAPER and the SLIDE SHOWS actually each have some material the others don't have. Except that the LONG SLIDE SHOW has everything the SHORT SLIDE has, so you might want to peruse all of them.