At present this web site is merely the beginnings of a small library of papers and e-books
by the author (Michael Hugh Knowles).        mhk(at)mhknowles(dot)net

Special Notice:
On March 10, 2012, MHK gave a presentation (1079-03-89) titled

Does the Banach-Tarski Paradox have an Evil Twin?!
 (this links to unofficial copy of the official abstract)
(slideshows, the actual paper with slightly easier to read abstract)

at the 2012 Southeastern Sectional Meeting (#1079) of the American mathematical Society, at the University of South Florida in Tampa, FL, USA. in the Session for Contributed Papers, I, Room 354, Cooper Hall, USF.


Request to teachers/others who make any use of the papers found here e.g. in classes: could you please let me know what use they have been to you.
Please e-mail me at mhk(at)mhknowles(dot)net
Thank you!

                Table of Contents
Proof of a New, Simple but Fundamental Bijection Theorem in Set Theory
                 Revised December 6, 2011
Opening a Community Deconstruction of Set Theory
ProgXML Programming-XML
Cosmology “Un-Survey” Of “Un-Discoveries”

Newtons Great... Oversight



Proof of a New, Simple but Fundamental Bijection Theorem in Set Theory
(71KB; 3 pages; Revised, December 06, 2011)
In my LinkedIn Profile Contact section, I refer to the following theorem I discovered (back in the middle 1990s) in set theory:

THEOREM: Given a bijection  B(SP,SI)  from a pre-image set  SP onto an image set  SI, where  SP  and  SI  have at least one element  EC  in common, then using only simple bijectivity preserving operations one can construct a new bijection  BB  from  SP-{EC}  (the pre-image set  SP  with the common element  EC  removed) onto  SI-{EC}  (the image set  SI  with the common element  EC  removed), i.e. the bijection  BB(SP-{EC},SI-{EC}).

You can find its proof (very simple, less than a full page) starting on the first page of the paper with link to pdf file, above. Summary commentary follows. If you have reasonable popular math skills, none of it will be any big challenge. The serious challenge comes when pondering the theorem’s theoretical consequences for set theory, and for the 2/3 to 3/4 of modern math that depends on set theory and the concept of “Dedekind-infinite” for their theoretical foundations.
Perhaps Gauss, Poincaré, Kronecker, Brouwer and many other mathematicians were right to condemn set theory as ultimately unsound.

MATHEMATICS TEACHERS: please feel free to use this paper in your classes.


Opening a Community Deconstruction of Set Theory
(406KB; 19 pages; August 21, 2011)
In my LinkedIn Profile Contact section, I refer to starting a LinkedIn Group that would initiate and carry out a community “deconstruction” of set theory. “Deconstruction” (see has become a popular term, not as well defined perhaps as it once was, for carefully analyzing something (in certain ways), usually something in the “soft sciences” or in philosophy. Here it is intended to be a “forensic” attempt to re-raise the question of the theoretical soundness of the set theory of Georg Cantor, best known through the axiomatization of it by Zermelo and Fraenkel (and Skolem, who is usually forgotten in this context), acronymed as ZF, or ZFC if the Axiom of Choice is included. I have started this “deconstruction” by “forensically” examining the concept of “Dedekind-infinite”, the concept that first formally summarized the paradoxes of infinity so as to make them a part of mathematics, in particular the theory of infinite sets founded (mostly) by Georg Cantor. The presentation (the pdf file linked to above) is easy going, so any pop mathematician should be able to handle it.

MATHEMATICS and PHILOSOPHY TEACHERS: please feel free to use this paper in your classes.


ProgXML Programming-XML
(308KB; ~41 small pages; June 21, 2011)
A Concept Paper / “Light Green Paper” proposing that standard High Level Languages be replaced entirely (more or less) by one or (probably) more “ProgXML” type systems, using a general and naturally extensible programming variant of XML to hold and manipulate the semantics of computer programs. This would allow much greater facility in presentation, entering and editing of program semantics and pragmatics, and in linking among disparate systems, than our standard HLL approaches currently allow.
NB: ProgXML is a completely different concept from what have become the usual “XML-based programming languages”, which are more-or-less standard High Level Languages, except that XML is used to implement them. They have only their single, standard HLL mode for program entry-editing-presentation/viewing.

COMPUTER SCIENCE TEACHERS: please feel free to use this Concept Paper / “Light Green Paper” in your classes.


Cosmology “Un-Survey” Of “Un-Discoveries”
(355KB; ~46 small pages; October 15, 2012)
This is relatively serious attempt to bring to daylight many obvious but overlooked ideas in cosmology, such as the theoretical necessity of multi-dimensional time in general relativity, as well as in reality. Einstein said something like
Imagination…is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” This paper will help you stretch your cosmological imaginations.

SCIENCE TEACHERS: please feel free to use this paper in your classes.



e-book: Newtons Great... Oversight
(3.5MB; 152 pages; November 7, 2011)
This is oriented toward gifted children (of any age). Newton overlooked that his theory of gravity predicts that lighter and heavier bodies will fall at different rates, with one fascinating exception! The trail leads us to...
Lagrange’s Trojan Points and Trojan Asteroids
with their Tadpole and Horseshoe Orbits

SCIENCE TEACHERS: please feel free to use this e-book in your classes.